The Children's Ministry Department is volunteer led with support from Youth/Young Adult Department. This page is designed to a) provide resources for children and their families and b) provide networking options for children ministry leaders in our conference.
Please contact John Winslow, Youth/Young Adult Director, if you need to get in touch with one of these leaders at 907-346-1004, ext 1018
As we grow our Children's Ministry presence we'd love to hear from you. Please consider filling out this quick survey so we can connect with you and your church about your children's ministry needs.
Children's Sabbath Schools are getting a new curriculum! Babies and Kindergarten are available with Primary to Youth coming over the next few years. Churches in Alaska will be rolling out the new curriculum as they become available. If you'd like to learn more:
The Adventurer club program for kids in Pre-K to 4th grade. This club is designed to teach kids about developing a Christ like character through fun activities and learning alongside peers. Many kids go on to join a Pathfinder club, of which there are several in Alaska. There are a couple of active Adventurer clubs-- Wasilla/Palmer, and Wrangell.
Each summer churches across Alaska host Vacation Bible School. If you or your church is interested in hosting a Vacation Bible School here are some resources to get start: